
Keep up to date with our news as we work towards a world in which women are empowered and free from violence and abuse. This page includes our press releases, campaigns, statements, media interviews and blogs.

Violence against women and girls is a 'national emergency', say police.

Our statement on the National Police Chief's report released on 23rd July 2024.

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The Women's Centre Cornwall awarded new contract to provide support for survivors of rape and sexual assault in Devon and Cornwall

New contract to provide support for survivors of rape and sexual assault in Devon and Cornwall

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Domestic Homicide Review Report

Improving responses for migrant European women experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence: The Women's Centre Cornwall DHR Report 2024

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Impact Report 2022-23: The Women's Centre Cornwall

Our 2022-23 Impact Report, highlighting the difference we have made in women's lives and beyond.

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Karen's Story: My Journey To Mentoring Other Women

Karen's story through support onto supporting other women

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Making A Difference: Older People's Community Engagement Project

We have been involved in this Making A Difference report looking at older people and domestic abuse

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The Big Give

Any donations we receive between now and 5th December 2023 will be doubled - and will go directly to providing life-changing support to women & girls.

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I'm Gonna March!

A poem co-created by the Young Empowered Women's Project & Viv Gordon for Reclaim The Night 2023

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Walk My Walk: Women Reclaiming Spaces in Truro

Women reclaiming parts of Truro where they previously felt threatened and unsafe.

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Coercive Control: Victim Impact Statement

The full victim-impact statement of a woman we recently supported who saw her ex-partner imprisoned for coercive control.

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Queen Camilla Visits The Women's Centre Cornwall

Queen Camilla listened to the voices and stories of staff and volunteers and heard about the amazing strength and achievements of the women who access our services.

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Statement on behalf of VAWG organisations in England & Wales on the Cost of Living Crisis

Whilst affecting us all, the current recession and cost of living crisis is disproportionately impacting women

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Devon RCSAS & TWCC write to Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez

Devon Rape Crisis & The Women’s Centre Cornwall have written to Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez

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Open Mentoring

Giving Something Back (GSB), funded by Comic Relief for 15 months from February 2020

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Gypsy, Roma, Traveller & Migrant Women Project

You might have heard about our office in LA (or not, which is okay too, but not really, so read about it).

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Open Service Description

The Open Service offers a safe space for women to explore any issues she feels are relevant to her in her journey towards a life free from offending.

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The Women’s Centre Cornwall’s Statement on Women’s Safety

What we have to urgently address as a society is the way in which we continue to blame women for men’s violence.

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